Oevaru Forum is a series of online forums aimed at young women and men. The sessions are designed to bring young people together to learn through speaker events, film screenings, book readings, art presentations and other activities which will be conducted online.
The online forums will be organised thematically, surrounding the main principles of human rights and democracy. A common theme across all forums will be the promotion of girls and women in community action. Each forum will be moderated by ADM and aim to provide a comfortable and accessible space in which experienced professionals will exchange knowledge with the participants through presentations and discussion.
The purpose of the Oevaru Forum is to encourage young people, especially girls and women, to lead and participate in community-based action for change. The sessions will focus on understanding the existing situation of Maldives and develop conversations based on thematic areas. We wish to bring experiences and knowledge from the sub-region of South Asia and beyond to inspire and encourage young leaders from our nation.